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Gabrielle Kelly

Gabrielle Kelly

Wellbeing and Resilience Centre, Australia


Gabrielle Kelly is the South Australian Health and Medical research Institute Wellbeing and Resilience Centre's inaugural Director. Film-maker, digital media executive, social entrepreneur and strategist, she has been working on human behaviour and systems change in a range of settings. She ran the ground-breaking Adelaide Thinkers in Residence program, leading significant implementation of change in city design, advanced manufacturing, early childhood education, and positive psychology. As Senior Vice President of the Health Accord in New York, a digital start up, she developed a business addressing the wellbeing of self- directed health consumers. This “capacity for self direction” has gone global and viral with the arrival of the internet. She commissioned and led the Professor Martin Seligman residency in South Australia to explore the value of positive psychology in building mental wellbeing and resilience and reducing mental illness


Abstract : South Australia - Building the State of Wellbeing: How grit and determination are transforming the vision into reality